"How is this house still standing?". Crystal asked.
Trystan stepped up onto the porch, the boards groaning in protest, "It was passed down through the family of the man who built it in the 1880's. At first, it was just a small shack, but additions were made every decade or so until 1946 when the family farm went under, and they had to sell off some of their land. The family quit coming into town in the 60's and hasn't been seen since. Some records say someone still lives there but others suggest that they all left. Ownership hasn't been specified either. Kids like to come up and try to break a few windows but when they come back, they don't say too much about it." Trystan explained. "My cousin Greg said that a few of his friends went up there but when they came back, they didn't say a word about it. He found it kind of odd but didn't push them for their story, assuming that they got scared by a mountain lion or a wolf.".