The Party (5)

General Adelman was leaning against the wall next to Cyril. He had just taken a drink from a strange servant. The look in his eyes was very rude. Somehow, he had managed to join the palace's group of servants. What was even stranger was that a black aura surrounded him. 

Was he a person controlled by a black magic stone? No, he was a possessed person!

"General, isn't this servant strange? He's watching the center of the room!" 

General Adelman stopped sipping his drink, his eyes following the servant who had just taken his drink. However, it was clear that General Adelman did not find anything strange about the waiter, since only Cyril had been able to see his so far. 

Cyril only broke off his observation when a woman's scream was heard. He threw the plate on the table beside him and moved forward. The palace butler Cyril had once seen fell to the floor, clutching his stomach. 

"PROTECT THE KING'S FAMILY!" General Adelman shouted immediately.