Chapter 64: Training Begins

Allen and Kathy came to know that Anita is one of the members of the Leadership board which governs the town. The name of the town is 'Lothan' and is on the border of Glebe Kingdom.

She is not just a member of the governing board, but also the best alchemist in the town who is good at creating mana, stamina, and healing potions.

"Rest of your team members will be arriving tomorrow kids. Get some rest and eat this food" she said while giving them a bag filled with the best delicacies in town. They were given this because of the deeds that Kamran did when he was 'training' in this town.

Kamran told them to eat and sleep sooner and longer as they will be needing our energy to start our training tomorrow. He said that their new team will be coming tomorrow before sunset as they didn't come today.

He went out of the house and was speaking with Anita for a long time. Allen and Kathy ate to their fullest as the food was delicious. They have never eaten delicacies like this that were in front of them.

They both hit the bed as soon as they finished eating as per Kamran's instruction. Kamran came to the boy's room after speaking with Anita for nearly 2 hours. He was speaking to her to ensure their safety for tomorrow's hunting which he had planned.

In the morning, Allen woke up before Kamran and Kathy. Since he always wakes up early plus he slept early last night he woke up before sunrise.

He checked Kamran sleeping next to him. He did not want to disturb him, so he left their bedroom and came to the hall. He took out his armor and sword from his storage ring and check it twice to make sure it is in good condition to go for their 'training'.

"It is good that you keep your weapons and armor in good condition" Allen was startled when he heard a voice from behind. It was Kathy standing near the women's room door and looking at him with a smile.

She was already wearing her armor and was ready to leave the house at a moment's notice. Allen nodded his head in affirmation and went to the men's room to freshen up and prepare for his first day in the new world.

When he came out of the washroom after his shower, he was welcomed by Kamran with a simple smile and good morning. "Don't forget to check your weapons and armor. Check your crossbow too. Make sure the bolts are stocked enough before we go out." Kamran said to him before he went to prepare himself for the day.

Allen forgot to check his crossbow earlier as he used only his sword for a long time becoming a swordsman in his heart. He took the crossbow from the storage ring and checked it. He also checked his bolt magazines and was satisfied to have 10 of them in his belt.

He came to the hall again and sat next to Kathy on one of the chairs to wait for Kamran. Kamran took a few minutes to come to the hall after his shower. To their surprise, he was wearing his casual dress and was not in the armor he usually wears for hunting.

"We are going to the vegetation outside the town today so we can hunt 'mutated rabbits' today. I want you to use only a crossbow today to hunt them Allen so you can get used to it before we start our real hunting after the rest of the team arrives." Kamran said in a stern voice indicating that he is in full battle mode.

Kathy and Allen nodded their heads. "You don't have to worry much about the mutated rabbits as they are in the private stage and I will be there to assist you if they come too close to you." Kamran continued.

"Remember, we are here for training, so concentrate on your weak attacks so you can improve. Also, try to work on your mana exercise as it will help you to increase your speed during battle." Kamran added and started eating yesterday's leftovers.

Kathy and Allen also ate their breakfast with Kamran before they left the house and went toward the defensive wall. But, Kamran stopped a few meters away from the wall and knocked on the door of a small house.

Anita came out of the house with a smile and gave a bag to Kamran which had a lot of candies. He bowed to her and she forcefully stopped him saying "you have done a lot to our town kid. It is my honor to be of your service."

"Service, no aunt Anita. I'm just buying these candies as it will help them a lot in their training." Kamran said and gave few copper coins to her which she didn't want at first, but had to because of his instance.

The three of them reached the vegitation as planned. Allen an Kathy took out their crossbows and stood ready to shoot it at a moments notice. They didn't lower their vigilance since Kamran is here. They didn't want him to help them at any cost as it will help them to work hard.

They stood at the end of the vegitation waiting to find a mutated rabit so they can start their training. They didn't want to enter it as it was lush and their vision will be affected due to the plants which were taller then them.

"These mutated rabbits are in mid-level private stage. So use your elemental affinity to kill them fast." Kamran said to them while taking his spear and stood behind them.

Suddenly the plants in front of them started to rustle. Allen and Kathy aimed their crossbows towards that location and was was ready to release the bolts as soon as the see the monster.

A rabbit came out of the vegitation and was immediately stuck by two bolts, one near it's abdomen which didn't penetrate and fell to the ground. Another bolt hit it's head and penetrated. It hit it's brain and the rabbit fell to the ground and died instantly. It didn't even make a sound before it died.