Error 01

By: A.E. (Snowfall)

Copyright © 2010 (as of 2022, this book is 12 years old)

Please note, this was my first book. Its messy and all over the place, but I love it.

Over the years, I have gotten better and will post more books after I am done with Number 88.

Thank you for reading.




Chapter ONE

"Oh GOD!!"

A young man laid motionless in the snow. His gray eyes reflecting in the night as his red hair glowed. The pristine white of the snow was diluted by his blood, staining it in a hues of pink. His breath was visibly shallow, as the ice crystals formed around his lips. The lone street light elaborated the beautiful horror.

"I….I think I'm dying."

He tried to focus his eyes. His breathing quickened in fear of what was to come. He tried to force his eyes to stay open but the darkness started to invade. Motionless as he was, his gaze stared out into the black emptiness of the sky. The darkness he was experiencing was nothing compared to it. It slowly took over his eyesight. He could feel his heart pounding harder. It was pumping blood he knew would never run through his body again. A small smile formed on his lips, the blood just beginning to dry around them.

"I guess this is it?"

His vision gave out on him, nothing but darkness remained. His body started to go numb. The pain he once felt was gone, replaced with the comfort of death's arms. His face relaxed but his eyes still gazed up at the sky he could no longer see.

"I…I don't want to die."

His last breath left him, just another ghost of a final memory.

The falling white did not let up but the blood still shone through the newly formed snow. The man's gray eyes still open, staring forever into the darkness.

Error 01


"Thump, thump…thump, thump"

"A heartbeat?"

"Thump, thump…thump, thump."

"But whose?"


A man looked down from the building he was standing on. He blended into the dark night. His eyes darted back and forth, as if looking for something. The shades that he wore, glowed in hues of red and green. It picked up a heartbeat in the dark, a person was running. Locking onto his moving target he spoke.

"Target spotted. What is your order?" He spoke so stoically, no emotion lingered in that voice. A small beep was heard near his ear. The voice was automated and barely understandable. Whatever words were spoken, the man knew exactly what to do.

"Understood. Commencing Order."

Before his target could get away the man jumped off the building.

He fell with the gravity of speed, one no one would survive. The windows reflected his down fall with a silent grace, as the ground kept speeding forward. His eyes still locked onto the target, whom still not knowing what fate lay ahead just beyond the corner.

The man finally hit the ground. Dust formed around him as the impact made a crater near his feet. The pavement cracked with such force that it screamed. The target stopped only meters away, shielding his body from the rocks and dust.

When the area began to clear, the target looked around. There, the man on the building stood. No sign of damage from the fall, just dust particles resting on his shoulder. The target fell backwards to the ground, staring in disbelief.

"No…no way…" The target stuttered, his green eyes wavered. The man spoke again, voice in the same static manner.

"Target is acquired. Permission to follow last order." The beep sounded again. The same voice followed, giving orders. "Affirmative."

The targets eyes widened.

"No!! Don' t listen!!"

He reached out to the man before him. The man slung out a blade from his right arm. Moving his arm as he slung it left, the blade grew longer, reaching the target's neck.

Blood flew everywhere as he swung the blade back into his arm. The targets body slumped to the ground and a few seconds later a dull thud was heard. The man looked down at the dead target, watching as the decapitated body twitched.

"Target Eliminated."

Another ping chimed in his ear. The voice once again spoke, acknowledging his achievement. Giving the man a last order.

"Understood. Returning to Headquarters."

The man started walking. He walked over the body as if it was just some object to be thrown away. His feet walked over the sticky red substance with quite ease. Blood trailed behind him in a mindless travel. He stopped at a street light. Looking up into the bright glow. His features visibly seen.

His red hair glowed in the light as his gray eyes fixated on something that was never really there. Specks of wet blood painted his face. He stood there, silently. As if he was seemingly talking to someone else other than the dead body below. It didn't take long for the man to vanish in a blinding speed.

Dust and leaves were the only thing disturbed.


"Thump, thump…thump, thump"

"A heartbeat?"

"Thump, thump…thump, thump."

"But whose?"


"Thump, thump…thump, thump."

"Is it mine?"

"Thump, thump…thump, thump."
