A very long day

Esmeralda had just finished packing up all her stuff and was about to dismiss for the day but as she was about to leave, her telephone. She, at first thought to ignore the call thereby giving the caller the impressions that she had closed from work. But before she could leave, she felt that it might be from someone important to her so she walked up to the telephone and raised it to her ears. She frowned when she realize that the person that was calling her was Kain and he wanted her in the executive suite immediately.

Really that boy wouldn't just let her have a single rest from all the strenuous work. She picked up her bag and walked out of her office and headed towards Kain's office. She walked through the empty corridor and entered the office, heading straight for the executive suite.

"What is it?" she murmured softly.

"What day is it?" Kain asked without looking at her. He was holding a bunch of files in his hand, studying them.