Like a Wolf


We got back to the apartments just shy of 12pm and I was exhausted. The lack of sleep was starting to get to me and after three trips to Lobdell's car I felt like a zombie.

"I bought the herbs and everything for the tea blend," he smiled as he lifted a small plastic bag filled with multiple other things, "it takes some measuring and taste testing to make sure it's balanced but I'll probably have it done for you by this evening. I have a few places to be quickly."

"Of course," I smiled, "you've been great help today, thank you so much. I don't want to take up any more of your day."

"Nonsense," he waved his hand dismissively, "we're going to be working together might as well start getting along. After our meeting in a few days you'll get to know other professors and we'll hang out more."

"I'd love that," I nodded, "I'll bring back your basket when I'm done."

"You can keep it, I have five," he laughed, "my number is in the book Muhammed gave you. You can call at whatever time."

"Thank you Lobdell."

He gave me a friendly wave before he walked out of my apartment and closed the door behind him. I had a lot to pack and staring at it was not going to help me. Before I could start I searched for my speaker through the boxes. Once I found it, I connected it to my phone then started packing away the food, preparing and washing them to make things convenient.

As I packed I sang softly whilst I chewed on a pack pistachios. Over time I believed the apartment would feel more like my own. Lobdell had explained they had rented it for me for two months and if I liked it the lease was always extendable or I could buy it. If I did not like the area I was more than welcome to move.

I figured I loved the location so far. It was a walking distance away from the university, the markets and at least I would have someone I knew close to me. Also once we started to work I knew I would be out by the desert more than my house so it did not really concern me.

Over time if I loved it I did believe I would buy it so I had more freedom to make it my own. I still had a good chunk of money from my parents that they had saved up for me that I did not use for university because I got scholarships. The money would definitely come in handy now.

As I quickly cleaned the shelves of the fridge because I was a hygiene freak I felt another massive chill go down my spine. This time, unlike the others, it shocked me so much a gasp left my lips as I dropped the kitchen towel I was holding to the floor.

I pressed my right hand to my chest, took a few steps away from the fridge and leaned against the countertop as I tried to regain my breathing. My heart beat was out of control and my body felt so incredibly hot you would think I had been laid out on the desert for weeks.

I feared I was getting a heart attack or stroke, that was the only explanation, but I felt no pain just an overwhelming amount of pleasure that coursed through my body so viciously I started to tremble.

Unexpectedly the door of my apartment opened. I thought it was hopefully Lobdell and he could help me by calling an ambulance or taking me to the hospital. Yet I was painfully wrong when the largest man I had ever seen stepped in.

He was probably 2.5 metres tall with bulging muscles that were barely contained by his tight black shirt and his strong legs looked like they could crush you in a second with just a simple kick.

The heat that came off his body almost made me feel like I was standing next to a volcano as I started to feel sweat drip down my back. His smell was like a thunderstorm, the condensation of water droplets and the thunder brewing in the sky. It was the most unusual thing that someone could feel like two complete different aspects of nature.

His caramel skin almost looked to be glowing as he took heavy steps towards me. I tried to scream to alert anyone that there was a stranger in my house but my body felt frozen. All I could do was breathe heavily as I almost hyperventilated.

His eyes looked like pure gold as they reflected the light in the room. He had long wavy maroon-burgundy hair whilst his eyebrows and eyelashes were perfectly dark. Plump wine colored lips with the most perfect Cupid's bow I had ever seen and his face was made with mathematical precision. High cheeks bones and a perfect nose.

He licked his lips like a wolf as he approached me. I squeezed my eyes shut as his body pressed flush against mine. I whimpered as he leaned down so his head was nestled in the crook of my neck as he ran his nose on the skin just above my pulse.

I could feel his breath as he sniffed me for what felt like eternity.

If I was not frozen in fear I would have stabbed him with the fork next to me but with the amount of muscle he had, he would probably do more damage to the fork itself.

His hands ran up and down my sides before he gripped my hips tightly. Without any explanation at all he let me go and walked out of my apartment before he slammed the door shut.

I fell to the floor as I coughed as if I had been drowning. I covered my throat with my hands as I tried to regain my composure. Even though it felt like I was about to faint, I shakily stood up on my feet and ran to the door. I almost tore it open before I flew out in search of him.

Yet the hallways were completely empty.