My Precious


"Stop Pharai," he whispered in my ear as I continued desperately thrashing in his arms. His hold on me was like iron bars since I seemed to have no effect on him at all. My own nails seemed to be peeling off my skin as I scratched his marble skin.

His body was too hot against mine. I was already sweating just from being so close to him. He held me up like I was nothing and I was sure by now I had fighting against him for fifteen minutes. Whenever I tried to scream, he cooed as if I was a child first learning how to speak.

It was enraging and belittling. I was a big man, nearly not as big as him of course, but I always figured if I was in real danger I would be able to defend myself. Yet whoever this mysterious man was he proved I was not enough.

"Calm down," he hissed.

I wanted to roll my eyes because who in their right minds would calm down when there was an intruder in their house. Worst of all a shirtless intruder.

Yet without even fully realizing I felt my body grow limp in his arms. My erratic heart beat slowed down to the state I almost felt blissful and happy. His words seemed to have a real effect on me. It felt like a slither, yet this time it was different. Just like how you felt when you drank a hot cup of coffee on a cold day and the warmth radiated through your body that it felt like a comforting hug.

"There we go," he smiled as I felt his lips brush against the shell of my left ear. "Relax for me."

My mind was unable to think of any escape plan as he gently lowered me down to the ground. Instead of covering my mouth, he allowed his other arm to snake around my waist and pull me close to his chest.

He trailed his nose from my exposed shoulder all the way up to the nape of my neck. He took his time inhaling my scent. My stomach twisted with the thought my body was allowing him to do this to me. Yet at the same time I felt no will to move away from him. His warmth now did not feel like a furnace but rather a fluffy blanket.

"What did you do to yourself?" he sighed, "you're injured." I clenched my jaw and pursed my lips in order not to talk, but for some odd reason it felt like I had to fight my own brain just to cooperate with me. "Tell me truth."

Like a puppet my mouth opened by its own but I quickly shut it. Maybe I was drugged? There was no possible way I would even be entertaining this if I was in my right state of mind.

"I was walking in the desert," my voice sounded foreign to my own ears. It had a level of hoarseness that both sounded breathless yet natural.

"And how did you get there?" he frowned.

"I'm not sure. I think it was a dream."

He let out a sigh as if it really bothered him that I had hurt myself. It confused me deeply because it was the first time I had ever seen-

A rush of memories came flooding back to me as I remembered myself standing in the kitchen, a man, this man walking in and paralysing me with just his eyes alone. I remembered the way he held me. The way he ran his hands down my sides like I was an object before he sniffed me just the way he did now.

I did not know how it was possible but I felt strength flood my body once again. With a grunt I tore his arms off me then jumped away from him to create distance between us. "Who the hell are you?" I snarled as I backed away from him.

"Who do you think I am?" he grinned displaying his sparklingly white teeth that looked even more intense against his red wine stained lips.

"Someone who better get the hell out of my house," I barked, "if you don't leave now I'll call the police."

"They won't do a thing to me," he laughed. He took slow steps towards me pushing me further back into the corner of my room.

"Are you psychotic?" I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked around hoping I would be able to find anything to defend myself with but just to my luck there was nothing.

"I wear it with pride," he licked his top row of teeth with the tip of his tongue. "You love it. It always drove you crazy."

"You must be out of your mind," I screamed. "Get out now."

"Or what?" he tsked. My back hit the wall and before I could make a dash for the door he was in front of me faster than I could blink. "Or what Pharai? Tell me what you will do to me if I don't leave."

"Get out!"

"Never," he lowly growled as stood so close to me I could feel his heat once again. "I'm never letting you out of my sight."

I raised my hand and punched his jaw but it seemed I had done more damage to myself as pain radiated through my hand. I let out a loud cry as I cradled my hand close to my chest.

"Why did you do that?" he pouted with furrowed eyebrows. He lowered himself slightly so we were the same height. "Aw you precious thing. Let me see."

"You're crazy," I bit out and tried to push him away with my other hand but it allowed him to swoop in easily so he could take my hand in his. I looked at him with big eyes as his large hands held mine.

"My precious," he frowned, "let me take your pain away."

Before I could yell at him to let me go everything suddenly turned dark.