[Bonus chapter] Being in Egypt


"This will be your office for your duration of your time here," Lobdell smiled as he opened the door to the office, "Obviously if there's something you would like to change you are more than welcome to come to me for approval. The university isn't really fussy about colours or changes as long as they are not structural."

"And the lecture amphitheatre is close?" I gawked around the room. It was not the biggest office, but it was a lot better than what I was used to.

It had a large window that showed the campus grounds where students could spend time in between lectures. There was a large stretch of water that could have been a pool with water fountains which made the area feel like we were not in the middle of the desert.

The walls of the office were painted an extremely light grey that could be mistake for white. From the entrance the wall to your left and right were covered in built in rustic cupboards that had small locks on them.

In the centre was a large dark wooden desk with a comfortable leather chair. There was a printing corner to one end and what seemed to be a small coffee slash tea area. It was a very nice space and over time I believed I would grow more into it.

"Yes, they are just down the hall. I'll show you in a minute," he smiled.

I walked to what appeared to be a door on the right wall that disappeared into the cupboards decently well if you were to paying attention. "Where does this door lead to?"

"The professor you'll be working closely with has the office next door. This used to be a shared reception during the universities early years before it was converted. If you would like the door to be closed permanently for more privacy I can arrange it. I'm sure he won't mind."

I shook my head quickly, "no it's alright. I don't mind. Is the professor here?"

"Unfortunately no," Lobdell shrugged, "he had family matters to attend with. Plus since the campus is still closed most professors will probably show up in a few days before the meeting."

I nodded then placed the box I was carrying on my desk. Lobdell had given me a campus tour on the day of my interview but now was giving me a thorough in depth tour.

"Muhammed will be shadowing you for the first two weeks just in case you need anything."

"He's a nice boy. Very respectful," I smiled.

"That's why we picked him. We held a sort of competition for students interested in being your assistant and the assay he wrote about you was excellent. He knows you like the back of his hand," he snickered, "could be an excellent stalker."

My loud laugh bounced off the walls, "don't encourage him."

"I fear for you," he smirked, "Your looks are going to get you a lot of attention from students."

I waved my hand dismissively, "I get attention from a lot of people. I wouldn't be surprised."

"So humble Professor Alya," he dramatically sighed, "Only if some of us were blessed with the beauty of the gods."

"Don't pretend like you're not just as handsome."

"I'm being humble," he winked.

I bashfully smiled and shook my head then sat on the desk. Lobdell pretended to look at the shelves but I could see him look at me from the corner of his eye. My face flushed as I looked down to my lap.

"Maids come in every day to clean so you don't have to worry about that," he filled in the silence.

I nodded, "that will be helpful."

"Let me show you the lecture room you'll be teaching in."

I followed him out the room and down the hall. A cold shiver ran down my spine so viscously I let out a small gasp as I snapped my head to look back to where we had come from. I knew the feeling all too well.

My eyes frantically looked around but when I did not see the burgundy haired man I calmed down. Golden Eyes had not been haunting my existence for some time now. The cold chill had completely disappeared as well.

The pills the Doctor had given to me had really worked and with a few sessions from a psychologist I had started to feel less anxious. In the morning I would take a jog and take time to meditate as well.

My sleeping routine had improved massively and I had a certain glow to me that I had been missing for months.

That was why the sudden cold chill panicked me slightly because the last thing I needed was to have a run in with my imaginary stalker in front of Lobdell.

"Are you alright?" he frowned then gently placed his hand on my shoulder. I was about to nod but suddenly became so overwhelmingly hot. "I'm sure the air conditioning went out again. I'll inform the grounds men."

I simply nodded before I urged for us to make our way to the amphitheatre. After an hour tour, he allowed me to go to my office to get a few things packed and to set up my computer.

The university provided computers and laptops for their employees which was a nice benefit. I wondered how the other professors would react when they met me. Obviously I was one of the younger lecturers and sometimes when it came to the work place they looked down to me because I lacked experience in their eyes.

I was fortunate enough to be intelligent to fly through university and get opportunities faster than my peers. Yet none of that if I had to think about it was luck. It was simply hard work and dedication.

I had made a name for myself and even though if some were not completely with me, it would not stop me from achieving more. Being in Egypt for an archaeologist was like being in paradise. There was history buried deep in the desert, all you had to do was find it.