[Bonus chapter] Longing. Want. Need.


He let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head then with complete bravery walked down the river bank and entered the water. I was caught in the middle of them but they seemed to not even see me. The oddest thing however happened to the water.

From the direction Golden Eyes walked the water was extremely warm then the side of the woman was extremely cold. They seemed to be sizing each other up but Golden Eyes seemed to be more amused than scared of her whilst she had the look of pure arrogance on her face.

She had a small button nose with plump strawberry coloured lips. Her beauty was unlike anything I had ever seen before. At first I always thought her hair was a dark raven colour but now that she stood a bit taller I could tell it was a darker brown with blonde tips.

Almost like mine.

"Aqtarab khutwatan 'ukhraa wasatuajih zawalaka," she scrunched her nose as she looked up to Golden Eyes. So far she reached below his chest. If they had to fight she did not stand a chance. (Take one more step closer and you'll meet your demise.)

"Namirat saghiratun. Laqad fatantni," he chuckled. His laugh seemed to cause ripples in the water. He was still as stubborn as he was to me as he took another step forward. (A small tigress. You've intrigued me.)

"Waqad aikhtart almawta," she hissed. In an instant two golden daggers appeared in her hands and she ran towards him like a blur. They both moved so fast that the only thing I saw was the flicker of her daggers and their golden bodies as they fought. (And you have chosen death.)

I did not know for how long the fighting continued but it stopped just as suddenly as it started. The victor however was not who I had expected. When the water had calmed and my eyes adjusted to the bright glow their bodies emitted, a gasp escaped my lips when I saw the woman's one dagger was stabbed into Golden Eyes heart whilst the other was threw his neck.

Gold fluid leaked out of him to meet the current of the Nile. Yet instead of being in pain he looked fascinated by her whilst also looking absolutely in love. Her once angered facial expression shockingly matched his own. She placed her tiny right hand right next to the dagger in his heart whilst the other held onto his shoulder.

They were staring into each other's eyes so intensely I honestly felt like they needed a room. The water went back to being pleasantly warm. The mud under my feet felt like silk and cotton. The birds and forest around us seemed to have regained life as everything seemed so much brighter and just as he opened his mouth to say something to her, my body fell into the water.

I woke up with a loud gasp from under the bath's water. The water had long gone cold and my body was trembling. My legs felt weak as I stood up from the tub then climbed out. I grabbed the towel and warmly wrapped my body with it whilst I grabbed a small one for my hair.

For a moment I had confused the cold water droplet going down my back for Golden Eyes, but it was not the same. That was when I had remembered he was here before I blanked out. I spun around to find he was nowhere to be found. I left the bathroom quickly to check my bedroom then the rest of my apartment to find it was completely empty.

"Hello?" I called out as I placed my hand over my heart. The same feeling I felt in the Nile was still there.

A longing.

A want.

In fact a need.

The emotions completely contradicted what I always felt for him.

The annoyance.

The anger.

The fear.

For the first time I wanted to see him so I could ask him if he knew about the dreams. Was that where he was from? Deep within my subconscious that he was now coming to light.

A sudden knock on the door almost made me jump ten feet in the air. If it was Golden Eyes he would not even bother to knock. He could have just appeared out of thin air.

"Who is it?" I called out as I tried to calm down my frantic heart and heavy breathing.


"I'll be there in a second," I quickly rushed back to my bedroom to put on black pyjama pants with a matching shirt before I rushed to the door. My hair was still dripping wet but it would dry soon. I calmed my exterior then pulled open the door with a smile, "I'm sorry. I just got out of the bath."

"Oh, I came over early but you didn't respond," he smiled as I let him in.

"I like to play classical music so I probably didn't hear you," I scratched the back of my head.

He waved his hands with a smile before he held out two black files out for me, "I forgot to give you these at the university. I just came back home so I wanted to drop them off. It has your schedule, student names and a breakdown of the other professors with this year's syllabus which you can tweak how you see fit."

"Oh thank you," I nodded as I took them from him then placed them down on the dining table, "That will really help me get up to speed with things."

"No problem, if you need anything you know where to find me," he winked.

I let out a breathy chuckle and nodded, "of course."

"Goodnight, don't stay up too late you look exhausted," he laughed as he made his way to the door.

"I won't, goodnight," I watched his retreating back. He gave me a wave which I returned before he closed the door behind him.