Honey and Vanilla


He let out a breathy chuckle then looked away from me to the desk. His fingers took off his spectacles and with just a simple blink the molten gold in his eyes came to life. My skin already grew slightly sticky from sweat as the heat radiating off him swallowed the room.

"Pharai," he smiled, "We both know you are simply doing this to taunt me."

"And what makes you think that," I pouted, "You're the one who came into my apartment the first day without permission then sniffed me like some sort of creature."

"That used to make you go crazy," he snickered, "You loved it when I did it."

"Then clearly there was something wrong with me," I shrugged. With a small hop off my seat, I stood in front of him and held the sides of his face. That seemed to surprise him as he raised his eyebrows and looked at me with large eyes.