To Me




"Yes no."

"What do you mean no?" Runihura looked completely baffled as I pulled my hand away from his chest and created more distance between us.

"I have never indulged myself in relationships because I have always felt that the right person will come along for me, that only until then would I give anyone my time. You on the other hand have seemed to get yourself very well acquainted with most of the lecturers and probably people outside of that as well," I straightened my back.

"Pharai, you can't deny what you feel between us," he tried to reach out for me again but I stood up from my seat.

"It's there," I nodded, "I won't deny it. I can feel there's something different between us but I'm not going to put faith in a man who obviously couldn't even care to mention he was in a relationship."

He let out a destressed sigh as he shook his head, "I don't want her. I want you."