More Power


A cool paced breeze fanned my skin as I laid on a soft surface. My skin mostly felt bare but from the feel of it there was gentle light sheet thrown from my waist downwards. The air carried a scent of honey and spice which was a unique blend.

My body felt drained and just from how dry my throat was I knew I had been asleep for hours on end. Just like the first time Suetekh and I kissed. I would not be surprised if I was asleep for an entire day.

When I opened my eyes, they immediately felt strained to the overflowing amount of light that came from what seemed to be a large window. In fact the room itself did not seem to have any glass windows at all. I had to close my eyes just to allow them to adjust for a moment before I rolled onto my back with a sigh.

The bed was empty which was surprising since the last time Suetekh was sleeping right next to me. My body had no energy to even call out for him but I lowly tried, "Suetekh?" It came out as nothing but a whisper.