A Cow


"Kayf tuhawil qatli?" A foreign voice I did not recognize screamed so loudly that the entire building shook with each letter he said. (How dare you try to kill me?)

"'Ant man 'atat tayran 'iilaa qusraa mithl alhamam aladhi yataeataa almukhadirati," Suetekh roared back. (You're the one who came flying into my Palace like a pigeon on drugs.)

"'Ana last hamamatan! Hadhih akhar maratan 'aqul fiha hadha wa'iilaa falan yakun ladaya khiar siwaa qatlak binafsi," the less thunderous yet still powerful voice responded. (I am not a pigeon! This is the last time I say this or I will have no choice but to kill you myself.)

"Sa'aqtulukuma kilakuma 'iidha lam tatawaqafuu ean hadhih almushahanat altufuliati," Hathor who was still cradling me in her arms yelled at the two men. "Horus look," she called for his attention and presented me like I was a new born. (I will kill you both if you do not stop this childish bickering.)