[Bonus chapter] Permanent Situation


My reflection in the mirror looked nothing like me. One would think I was on my way to an extremely elite Halloween party and had the best consume designers with makeup artists. I looked nothing like myself, in fact I believed I looked more like a woman. 

Much to my huge displeasure the clothes Suetekh's servants made for me were that for a woman. When they had heard that his mate had returned they assumed Ruthor had as well and no one bothered to confirm what gender I was. This somehow gave Suetekh, Horus and Hathor a great idea. 

If I still looked like Ruthor everyone would assume I was still technically me who was her, and also assume I still had my godly powers. That would fend off a chunk of people from me whilst I stayed in Sutekh's Palace and only once we had figured out what was going on with me, would I reveal myself as a man.