His Efforts


Suetekh now sat behind me and positioned me so I was seated between his strong legs with my back pressed against his chest. He constantly fed me heart shaped pastries and fruits. He had instructed the maids to shape everything in hearts because he believed it would help set the mood. 

Whenever I ate something he would coo like I was his little pet then kiss my cheeks before he told me how beautiful I was. A few days ago I would have thought he was a psychopath when he did this, now my past life flourished whenever he showed me affection. 

He had told me how he had really killed Osiris which was a lot more graphic than what we originally thought. "The man is hard to kill, especially with his resurrecting wife so I put him in the box chopped him up into pieces then tried to feed him to the crocodiles but even they did not want him. So I had to scatter him around Egypt."

"Did he willingly get into the box?"