The Beast


The scent of vanilla, cocoa butter and warm spices entranced my senses as if teasing my soul with a nostalgic memory. 

"You can open your eyes Mer Ek," Suetekh lowly said into my ear before he pressed a kiss to the shell of my ear. His lips lingered on my skin before he let me go. 

At first I was not sure what I was looking at as the only thing I saw was a warm yellow-orange glow through the room. 

Unlike the other rooms I had seen in Suetekh's palace there were no large openings in the walls that formed windows but rather thin slits high up that provided just enough ventilation that the space did not feel stuffy. 

It was dimly lit by multiple candles that stood on wall stands which provided the necessary amount of light needed for you to see the room without taking away from the alluring atmosphere. More candles stood on golden stands throughout the room and on the far end a golden wood burning fire place warmed the space.