With My Mate


"Hal 'ant ealaa washk al'iintiha'i?" I groaned as I approached Suetekh from the back as he sat pretzel style on the golden desert sand. His skin was bare to the red sun as he looked up and tried to absorb its energy as best as he could. (Are you almost done?)

"Laqad kunt tas'aluni dhalik fi aldaqayiq alkhams almadiat ya habi. Tahtaj 'iilaa 'an takun sabra," he opened his left eye to quickly peek at me before closing it again. (You've been asking me that for the past five minutes my love. You need to be patient.)

"Walakinak kunt takhudh waqtan tawilan. 'Ana muta'akid min 'anah yajob 'an yakun ladayk ma yakfi alan," I whined as I wrapped my arms around his neck from the back then kneeled down as I tried to hug his huge body. (But you've been taking so long I'm sure you must have enough by now.)

I was Ruthor again.