Will We?


"Horus is probably blowing a fuse outside," I laughed as I looked up to Suetekh who had propped himself up on his elbow as he laid on his side. His free hand constantly moved the curls of my hair away from my face before he would give me a gentle kiss. 

He had been looking at me like a love sick puppy as we laid in bed too lazy to stand up after everything we had done. It was not like I was eager to tear myself away from him either. Our bodies were perfectly intertwined in the sheets. 

"I can feel the energy coming off him," he chuckled then let out a sigh, "I should have remembered to come out to the desert when I'm with you. Things would have not gotten so bad that I needed his help."

"At least he came through," I smiled up to him then wrapped my arms around his neck to give him a kiss, "Pigeon head is a jerk at times but at least he cares."