His Eye


I looked at Pharai from the balcony as I leaned onto the railing with my lower back. My lower half was covered in my black cotton trousers whilst my top was bare. Horus stood a few feet away from me as he looked at his son with a distressed frown. The fearful and anxious energy coming from him affected my own. 

For once he was not wrapped in his jewels and silk, but plain denim jeans whilst his upper half was bare and golden sandals on his feet. It was not often I saw him dress in a modern sense. He was one of those gods who did not adjust well to humans' new way of living and dressing. Yet I figured in that moment wrapped in silks and jewels were the least of his concerns. 

After Pharai collapsed he was unable to pick him up, he was so hot that Horus' hands burned just from the first contact. He was a sun god afterall and things like heat barely affected him but Pharai did. I fortunately could and carried him to the healers.