Liquid Gold


The three ladies led me to a bathroom similar to Suetekhs but also a lot more lively. The bathroom was decorated with a whiter and purer marble whilst the large in floor pool like bath was rimmed in pure gold. The water to my belief was not even water by its white milk like colour. 

Without thinking twice I reached down to let my water dip into it and let out a gasp in surprise by how pleasantly warm it was. It was smooth against my skin feeling more like cream and milk. There was an underlying scent of honey to it as well which almost made me hungry. 

The three women giggled as they watched then blushed when I stood up to my full height. I had noticed how my head almost reached the large doorways, how their tiny bodies only reached my waist and how different it felt to walk. It felt so terribly slow but I covered a huge amount of distance with each step.