I was not entirely sure where I was going but it seemed my subconscious was taking care of that as I threaded through the forest. Normally I would have dreaded this, my bare feet would be pricked by the twigs and rocks on the floor, insects could be chomping away at me and the fear of something jumping out of a bush would have given me a heart attack.
None of that seemed to affect me now as a god. It was almost like nature moved out of my way to let me through. I did not know if it was my mind but trees seemed to bend just to stay away from me. The animals grew to a quiet breath and the insects stayed up to the tree canopy line.
It baffled me. Ruthor attracted all things nature. Whether it was vegetation, animals and insects. They used to travel to me. Seeking salvation as if I was the very god that had allowed them to exist. Now I could hear them shrink away in whatever direction I looked.