[Veldora's POV]
This is bad, very bad
Milim is missing and I couldn't find her.
Grrr, it is all my fault! If I only just suck it up and brought her to Veldanava, none of this will happen.
I rush outside of the hospital and saw a few heroes on standby along with Veldanava and his crew.
Veldanava noticed me and seriously walks towards me.
He then punched me in the face.
"YOU BASTARD! DO YOU REALIZED WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" Velda yelled at my face while grabbing my shirt and occasionally punches me in the face.
"Veldanava-san, please come down" Another voice calls out from a certain direction.
I look at the direction of the voice and a blonde muscular hero walked towards us.
"All Might! You came" I call out to All Might who just came to the hospital
"It's alright Young Veldora because I am here"
"It's a good thing you are here, All Might. My daughter was missing and we need your help to find them" Veldanava talks to All Might about the current situation
"It is fine, Sir Veldanava. The police are currently investigating the security footages to find the suspect of the kidnapping" All Might promptly reports to Veldanava
"I see. We should hurry up before those kidnappers do something my daughter"
"I know, we will hur-"
Then huge explosion echoes in the air and we all look at the source of the explosion.
I was shocked and surprised on what am I seeing.
A pillar of pure [True Dragon] energy glows on the distance.
"Veldanava! That is..."
"I know! That is the light when a True Dragon quirk user activates the [Berserker] factor"
"We should hurry up and stop Milim before wreaks havoc to the city. All Might-san let's go!!"
Me and All Might leap off the ground and jump from building to building towards the pillar of light.
When we arrived at the area of the pillar, we saw the whole area was devastated and all of the buildings within a 20-meter radius were destroyed and burnt.
In the middle of the destruction, a teenage sized pink haired girl was floating in the air. She wore a black long dress and her hair is long and wild that flows freely in the air. She has an emotionless expression her face that devoid of any of her previous cheerful personality.
When we called out for her name, she notices us calling for her on the distance.
However, instead of being happy or sad when she sees us, she instead raised her left hand towards us and fires an energy ball at our direction.
Me and All Might dodged the energy ball in time and the ball exploded into a huge crater of 5-meter radius.
"So strong" I muttered to myself.
"YOUNG VELDORA, LOOK OUT!" All Might warns me and I look at the direction he is pointing
I saw Milim winding up a punch on close distance. Then she throws a punch at me, but I barely evade the punch.
The punch then creates a mini-shockwave the destroyed a building on the distance.
"Fast. Very Fast" I muttered in disbelief at Milim's speed.
Milim throws another punch and another one. I dodge the punches and barely evades them to the point it almost hits me. Every punch she throwed creates more shockwaves that blows everything away.
All Might steps in and tries to restrain Milim. However, Milim fires energy balls at All Might, making him backs away to dodge the balls. Explosions echoes on the background destroying everything in its path.
Then the other heroes finally came and I backed away from Milim and stand by their side.
"What the hell was that thing" The hero Endeavor asked as he appears from the crowd of heroes.
"That is my neice, Endeavor-san. She is currently in a fit of rage for some reason. We must restrain her and calm her down"
"Hmph, you True Dragon quirk user and your occasional hissy fits"
I took offense on that statement but I ignored that rude comment and look at Milim.
Milim look at us still with an emotionless expression and observed us from above.
"Milim! Listen to me. It's me Veldora, your uncle. Please calm down and we need to talk about this"
She then points at a certain direction and I look at where she is pointing.
I was shocked when I saw Gaia dead and covered with blood.
'I see. So, that's why she is upset. Gaia died in front of him and snapped'
[Third POV]
Veldora walks forward from the crowd and look at Milim's emotionless eyes
"Listen Milim, I know it is sad that Gaia died. But please, calm down and we-"
Milim roared as she hears Gaia's name and creates a huge shockwave that blow away most of the heroes from the ground.
"Enough with this!" Endeavor flies towards Milim with his fire quirk.
"No, Endeavor-san! She will kill you if you-" Veldora warns Endeavor that Milim has the capacity to kill a person in her [Berserker] state
"Shut it! [Flashfire Fist]" Endeavor used his Ultimate Move at Milim. He increased the temperature of his flames to the maximum and flies towards Milim with great speed. He winds up a fiery punch and throws it at Milim's face.
Then a huge explosion of flames engulfs the area where Milim was and lights up the whole surrounding.
When the light slowly fades away, everything went silent for few second.
"Is it over?" A random hero says as the smoke is slowly disappearing
"No, it is just getting started" A hero with red wings named Hawks, says as he looks at the smoke with sweat on his face.
As the smoke slowly dissipate and reveals the result of Endeavor's signature attack. The heroes look relieved when Endeavor is fine, but quickly changed into terror when they saw Milim block the attack with her bare hands while looking relatively unscathed.
"What? You monster..."
Milim furrow her brows and grabs Endeavor's arm. She then spins Endeavor rapidly and throws him towards the heroes.
Endeavor lands on the ground, creating a huge crater upon impact.
Hawks fly towards Endeavor and checked his condition. The other heroes also came to check him.
"Endeavor-san, are you okay?" Hawks says as he tries to get Endeavor up on his feet.
"That girl... is a monster" Endeavor grimace in pain as he unsteadily stands up
"It's alright Endeavor because I am here" All Might say as he is about to jump in the air.
However, before he could jump, he noticed Milim raising her two arms in the air.
"What is she doing?"
Then she creates a ball of energy with her two hands and the ball grow in size
All Might notices that she is about to attack the group of
Most of the heroes tried to flee the area, leaving only him, Veldora, Endeavor and Hawks who is supporting him.
'I'm sorry, little girl. However, you left me no choice but to take you down'
All Might clenched his fist and ready his stance.
Milim collected enough energy in her hands and ready to fire the attack.
Milim releases the energy she collected and fires a dozen of energy beams that spreads towards the area. All Might on the other hand, released a huge shockwave to counteract with the energy beams.
The shockwave disperses several of the beams but several are still heading towards the group. As the energy beams are about to hit All Might and others, a huge dome of energy suddenly appears and protects the group from the explosion,
Veldora looks at the certain direction and saw Llucia finally came and erected a barrier to protect them from Milim's attack.
"Lucia-san!" Veldora called to Lucia who approaches them to check on their condition.
"Thank goodness, we came just in time" Lucia sigh
"Veldora! How is the situation?" Veldanava also came and asked Veldora about Milim's situation
"It is bad, brother. Milim snapped because Gaia died and now, she is rampaging wildly"
"I see. There is nothing we can do about Gaia's demise. His soul might had already left the body for a while now and he is impossible to revive him. Well actually, I could try, but it will take a long time to do the process without any risk of the corpse suddenly going berserk" Veldanava explains about Gaia's condition.
"We don't time to chit chat! The girl must need to be restrain immediately before it is too late" Endeavor told the individuals who just arrived.
"We know. Velzard! Velgrynd! Restrain Milim!"
Two new individuals came to the scene. They turned into dragons and fly towards Milim. promptly fires energy balls at them.
However, the dragons fire their own projectiles at the attack. They released fire and ice respectively to counter Milim's energy balls.
Veldanava spectates at condition the battle and then looks at Lucia who is worriedly watching the scene.
Lucia then looks at Veldanava with a face full of concern and worries.
"Don't worry, Milim will be fine. Order your angels to prepare a barrier to capture Milim"
"I understand" Veldanava nodded and Lucia rush off to somewhere.
He then turns his attention to All Might who is baffled at the battle at the sky.
"All Might, you and the other heroes need to evacuate any survivors who is still in the vicinity. We will take over the operation here"
All might then snap out of his daze and nodded at Veldanava. Him, Endeavor and Hawks run off towards the city.
Lastly, Veldanava looks at Veldora who is serious and determined.
"Veldora, you are main reason why this happened, so take responsibility on restraining Milim"
"Yes, understood"
Veldora then transformed into a dragon and flies off and joined the ongoing battle.
'Milim, I'm sorry for all the things that happened to you. I definitely make it up to you after all of these is over' Veldanava thought to himself as he watched three dragons fighting Milim.
[Veldora's POV]
I transformed myself in my dragon form and flies towards the battle between the two dragons and Milim.
Velzard and Velgrynd noticed me flying towards.
"Ara? Look who decides to join the party. You sure made a huge mess this, Veldora" Velgrynd says in a sarcastic tone.
"I know, I'm sorry that all of this happens. I'll take responsibility of what damage had done in the city"
"No no no, an apology is not enough to fulfill that responsibility. A fitting punishment from us will be reserve for later on"
I grimace in fear when I heard Velzard talking about punishments again. I sighed to myself and focused on the battle. I look at Milim in the face and the emotionless expression she previously had was replaced with a face full of rage.
"Milim, please calm down, we are all here for you'
Milim screams and fires an energy blast from her mouth.
[Black Lightning!]
I fired a huge bolt black colored lightning from my mouth and collide with Milim's energy blast.
[Burning Breath]
The two also fired their special moves at Milim's energy blast, slowly weakening her attack. Our three beams of attack pushes Milim's energy blast
Milim scowled in frustration because she is losing in the battle. She then lets out another roar and tries to increase the fire power of her energy blast.
The energy blast then suddenly increased in size and became more powerful than before. The beam she fires retaliates our attack and even pushes us back tremendously.
"She is pushing us back"
"Dammit! Milim!! Snap out of it, please!!"
Milim once more and pushes the energy blast closer to us.
"It's no use, we need to dodge"
"No, the city behind us will be destroyed"
"Then what else can we do?!"
'Shit, this is bad. I need to think of something. Think Veldora think!... I know!!'
"Milim, listen to me! Gaia can be revived. So please stop this!"
Milim let her guard down and slowly decreased her fire power.
"Now! you two, it's now our chance"
We increased our fire power of our attacks to push back the energy blast once again.
Milim snaps of her stupor and resist of being pushed back. But then...
[Third POV]
[Castle Guard]
A barrier suddenly appeared in thin air and blocked Milim's attack.
Then all of a sudden, a flock of angels flew around Milim. Lucia is also within the circle of flying angels and was in front of Milim.
Milim then notices Lucia, and she slowly calms down and the color in Milim's eyes returns to normal.
"Ara~ Milim, my spoiled little daughter. It seems that you been through a lot. However,"
Lucia and the angels raised their hand towards Milim.
"Bad girls need a little bit of punishment"
"[Regalia Domination]"
Lucia yells and a benevolent force rush towards Milim in all direction.
Milim's body suddenly froze and she couldn't move her muscles. Then her body slowly descends to the ground and she slumps over the floor.
Lucia then descends as well and lifts Milim's head to place it on her lap.
"Mom, Gaia died...."
"He died trying to protect and save me..."
"I know"
"He is now dead... *sniff* and can't see him again.... *sniff*"
"It's okay, Milim. Let it all out. Release those tears that you are holding back."
Milim cried her heart out while embracing her mother tightly.
She cried and cried, her cries echoes throughout the destroyed part of the city.
Hello everyone, Author-san here,
I just wanna note that the moves that were used in this chapter behaves different from their Tensura counterpart. So, the moves here are quite similar but not also different.
If this upsets you, please don't be. I am only writing this in my own convenient and entertainment. So please, accept it and moved on. I don't need your harsh comments and rude words.
That being said, it is all I can say.