Teasing Cambyses (R18)

Cambyses's garden seemed to have been sculpted by the gods.

Its flawless pink petals were tightly shut, making it appear like a single line running through her, like a crack in an otherwise flawless jade, with short, wispy raven hairs adorning it.

Clear love liquid was ceaselessly flowing out of the entrance and flooding her groin, a testament to just how much she was enjoying herself.

Cambyses shyly covered her eyes as Alexander stared at her wet entrance.

Even though Mean had done similar things to her, somehow Alexander doing it here and now made her bashful.

But she did not close her legs.

Instead, she even spread her legs even more, almost into an M shape to allow Alexander better access.

"Who cut you down here? Mean?" Alexander joked as he lightly pulled on the sparse hairs guarding her entrance.

Recently, every time Alexander had seen Cambyses naked before she had a thick, black bush underneath.