The Rotten State (R-18)

'In five years?' Alexander was confused by that sentencing.

'Did they regularly do these things?' Alexander found this thought a bit incredulous.

But then thinking back on how these people had reacted seeing him, on second thought he found it to be very likely.

And soon his conjectures were not only proved true but also shattered for being too prosaic, as Lady Inayah explained, "Pasha Alexander, in Adhania, it's customary for nobles to offer women to other nobles as gifts when they visit their homes. And it's a special sign of closeness and familiarity for one to offer their concubines or their wives, especially their main wife!"

In Adhania, concubines were identical to the European monarch's various mistresses.

And just like their European counterparts, they too had few rights and privileges.

Their and their children's position would be considered low and how they were treated would depend entirely on their master's whims and how much he favored them.