Paper Making (Part-1)

Alexander had a few secret projects he had given Takfiz to oversee.

Of course, the old man wasn't appointed to oversee the production, but the operational security of the projects.

He was there to make sure the slaves involved in the project did not flap their mouths to anybody.

"How's the security around those houses?" Alexander asked even though he knew the answer.

"We have done as you asked, my lord. The slaves never discuss anything related to work to anybody and all their various activities like entry and exit time during work and even where they go between work is recorded." Takfiz loyally recorded.

"Umm, good," Alexander nodded pleased.

Alexander knew it was unlikely that these slaves, that were bound to his estate would really find a way to divulge these secrets to anyone.

And anyone infiltrating, accessing the information, and then leaving with it right under his nose, inside Alexander's private lands was close to impossible.