Glassmaking (Part-1)

As a freedman turned slave, Azijak naturally yearned for freedom and his new appointment was undoubtedly a giant leap in that direction.

It was customary and an unspoken law in Adhania to free a slave of high status or one who earned his master a lot of money looking after his business after around a decade of service unless he committed any heinous crimes, and so Azihak naturally got to work, making the orders for the scissors, planning the expansion of the business and etc, eager to get back his freedom

But those were for later, as Alexander now hopped to another nearby very large shed, this one had been converted from a blacksmith's forge into making glass.

As a metallurgist. Alexander certainly knew the in-depth process of making glass with the most interesting thing about glass being that it was neither a solid nor a liquid but an amorphous solid, which was a state between those two states of matter.