Traditional Smelting

The two men made all sorts of small talks and minor decisions along the way, with Harun additionally promising to start making appropriate arrangements for the silver mines.

In this way, Alexander finally got to a very large, flat piece of the hillside, around the middle section of the hill, where the apple of his eye stood- The blast furnace!

It was close to fifteen meters high with a belly diameter of two meters, and a hearth size of one meter, and was in full swing, with hundreds if not thousands of workers around the massive industrial complex.

Its size, and capacity though nothing when compared to the standards of Alexander's twenty-first century, was enormous for the time being, and knowing what did structure represented, made Alexander's eyes glow with desire and longing as he laid his eyes on this magnificent hot, roaring beast, finding the stretched part of the furnace's belly almost as beautiful as the curves on his women.