Too Much of a Good Steel

Alexander's daily production of thirty-five (35) tons of steel was both a blessing and a slight curse because he needed to, on paper, sell 100,000 ropals of it a day, which came to at least 36.5 million ropals annually.

This was equivalent to a Jamider's (Earl) annual income or about one-tenth the earning of an average pasha.

And this amount would still be nowhere near his capacity.

"My lord, all these steel produced, what are were going to do with them? Currently, we do not need that many. Nor can we process so much," Harun asked.

And he was right.

Normally, because iron was so expensive, it would strictly be used for weapons, but for Alexander even a week of current production would be enough for Alexander to equip not used the current six thousand (6,000), but about double that.