Mikaya's Stage (Part-2)

Mikaya was without a doubt the most learned among the group when it came to Adhanian nobility.

And since she claimed to know all the Matbars (Marquis) in the country, Alexander hoped she could help describe the discrepancy.

Sensing the expectant gaze Mikaya produced a very smug look, and in a patronizing tone said, "It seems my dear Alex is still lacking a bit in Adhania's custom. So let aunt fill you in."

'Sanctimonious bitch,' Ophenia could not help mutter silently looking at the silver-haired beauty.

But Mikaya pretended to not notice the cold stare directed at her as she explained,

"The reason for this is because when building any manor in your superior's territory, it is expected your house will always be…mmm…for lack of a better word shabbier."

"It's to show respect and kind of give the idea that you are poorer than your lord." Mikaya finished.