Drawbacks of the Instant Bow

The military commanders seemed to be in unanimous agreement that the new bow was an epoch-defining weapon.

And this sentiment was reflected by the fact that their eyes seemed to glow with happiness every time their eyes landed on the bows held by the soldiers

The only exception was Hemicus, who also had a similar initial reaction before it was extinguished by Alexander.

And hence he did not join in the celebrations.

Alexander gave the men some time to discuss the weapon amongst themselves, and in the meantime, he also gloated over his invention.

And then decided it was regretfully time to bring the party down.

But contrary to Hemicus's expectation, Alexander did not dampen such enthusiasm with the weight of money.

Instead, like the live fire demonstration, he decided to show them the problem of using such a weapon in open combat.

"Ahem," Alexander faked a cough to draw his military commanders' attention, and asked, "I trust you have enjoyed the show?"