The Salt Market

The traditional way the salt would be extracted was that the brine (seawater) coming out of the pipe in the wooden box would be collected, and then proteins such as egg white, blood, or some other additive be mixed with the brine.

This would be done to further refine the seawater and cause the remaining dirt and residues to coagulate so that they could be skimmed off.

Finally, this water would finally be taken to large, lead pans, or even wooden boards, and left to dry with the aid of sunlight and wind, until a somewhat pure salt could be produced.

Alexander's plan was to simply skip the boring evaporation stage, and directly boil off the brine in enormous boilers made from cast iron.

These 600-liter boilers would be needed to be boiled for 6 hours, and as the water level would start to go below the halfway mark, more seawater would be added to keep to water level high, while constantly heating and stirring the huge pot.