Covetous Eyes

Mikaya and Seelima were not the only ones amazed by the clarity of the glassware on display.

By now every one of the guests had picked up their goblets and was looking through them to see how the world appeared looking through them and marveling at how the light seemed to both scatter and join together when passing through the glass.

'So glass can be so beautiful! Both transparent and translucent!' The guests cried out in their hearts.

Serving glass plates instead of ceramics might seem a bit tacky to modern people, but for the people present, even plates made with solid gold would not have amazed them as much as the clear glass did.

Adhania had already an obsession with glass, and if all the people were not in such a formal setting and sitting right in front of Alexander, most would have decided to take them as 'souvenirs' back home.

After all, each one of these could easily go for prices nearing or even exceeding 5 digits.