Ural's Cavalry (Part-2)

In the ensuing chaos following the destruction of the formation, Ural and his men were too busy trying to get a hold of their bearing and restore order to the lines to notice the mass of soldiers approaching them at breakneck speed.

"Quick! March quickly!" The commander of the 3rd legion shouted from behind, urging his men to walk as fast as they could without breaking formation, wanting to catch the cavalry less than 100 meters ahead of them in as vulnerable position as he could.

It would take legion about only one minute to make contact, but the commander wanted to hit them as soon as possible to kill as much cavalrymen as possible before they could run away.

'They are charging us! An infantry unit, fucking peasants, are charging us!' Ural was among the first to notice this, and the sight of it filled him with fear and rage.

Fear of the ensuing violent bloodbath that was about to befall his men, and rage at the thought of this being done by mere infantry.