Faruq's Millitary Council

Faruq's plan was bold but actually quite feasible if he could get the others to agree with him.

The keyword being 'if'.

A phenomenon perfectly demonstrated the very next second by Lord Nyantim, "My men have suffered too much today. That new kind of bow is too much to stand against. Sorry!"

The nobleman saw no point in risking his elite troops for the sake of others.

"Right. I stand with Lord Nyantim too," And Lord Liakit, who commanded the archers expressed solidary with his compatriot, sharing the same thoughts as him.

The two lords clear opposition made Faruq's plan untenable, and the man could not help but lament.

'Tssh! If had known before, I would have placed Azab and his men on the right, and the archers and slinger on the left. That way, the enemy's right could be pinned, while Azab broke through the weaker right flank.' Faruq regretted his initial decision to split his mercenaries and felt he had missed his chance at an early victory.