The Pincher

"I will give you 500 mounted infantry. And they will act as your rear guard in case things go bad. But the others will stay with me just in case." Alexander delineated his troop deployment.

And the reason for keeping the small amount back was not because he sensed something, but simply because of his cautious nature.

Alexander always believed in keeping some troops in the back no matter the situation just in case.

Which some would call smart, others cowardly.

But regardless, that was the deployment he wanted.

And seeing his staunch stanch, Grahtos could only nod and accept.

On the other side of the battlefield, Azab, whose command had been temporarily switched from the right flank to the left (this is the opposite when viewed from Alexander's perspective), was currently swinging his cavalry all the way around the battlefield in a wide arc, intending to come around to smash into the left flank of Alexander's infantry.