Envoys from Afar (Part-3)

Alexander's offer to share the sugar secret was of course done as a way to remove a potential key ally for Amenheraft, as he feared the city-state might choose to support this rogue king in retaliation for their breaking of the contract.

And it seemed to work as this sincere offering had Klysar very enticed.

But though he was tempted to agree then and there, the Cantagenan man politely declined for the time being, saying, "I will need to consult the Senate first. So I will bring an answer by spring. And hopefully a good one, hahaha"

The prudent man felt that any peace treaty, never mind such a large one, should be run through the senators first and hear their thoughts first, as signing this would make them officially give up their claim on Zanzna.

This was not something he could arbitrarily decide.

But as indicated by his last sentence, the man was also quite confident in being able to convince the old geezers back home to agree to it as the benefits were so high.