Talks Over The Dinner Table (Part-2)

Gelene's answer very much reflected the cruel realities of the times.

Such tragedies were not unique or even rare as cities and homesteads were frequently captured and the women subjected to these acts.

And so they had to grow numb to these or die.

Gelene herself was a victim of this tragedy when she was captured by the slavers and so over time had developed a thick shell of acceptance of the fact, hence her subtle mocking of the women who were crying, as she saw them as weak.

While Alexander hearing the confirmation felt a tang of pain in his heart.

Both because of how innocent women were forced to just accept this tragedy and over the recently occurred tragedy.

He had of course guessed such a thing had most likely happened when he learned the enemy had taken the manor.

But the confirmation still hurt him.

"*Sigh*, I see. Truly a tragedy. I once worked shoulder to shoulder with many of these women, *sigh*,"