Prisoner Exchange (Part-1)

"Sheesh! Alex is such a bully, mistress! How could he be so rough!" Mean could be heard complaining as she administered the healing balm down there on an exhausted Cambyses, who was currently sipping hot chicken soup on bed.

Last night might have been a bit too enjoyable for her and Cambyses felt her body ache when even simply lifting her arms.

"Where is he?" The married girl snuggly wrapped in blankets appeared to not even notice the fact that Mean's fingers were around her privates as she was more interested in knowing her husband's whereabouts.

When Cambyses had woke up, the man was not next to her.

"...he went out, don't know where." Mean nonchalantly replied with a shrug, retelling, "Around noon a messenger suddenly came and told something to Alex. Then he hurriedly got dressed and left with Hemicus. Didn't even have breakfast."