End of The First Zanzan x Tibian War

For a while, in between the time Melodias was out 'finding' Theony, Alexander sent out peace feelers to try and gauge Mithriditus's reaction.

He began, "Last time the envoy I met was someone called Leosydas. Would my lord know him?"

"..." And for a moment, Mithriditus was unsure how to answer.

Whether tell him he was dead or lie.

"Of course I know Lord Leosydas. We all do. But unfortunately, he was one of the many martyrs of this war."

Mithriditus decided to tell the truth because he felt there was little point in trying to hide the death of such a huge figure.

A huge, grand funeral for Leosydas would surely be held once they got back to Tibias, and the whole world would naturally know then.

So Mithriditus was frank about it, adding, "*Sigh*, Zanzan is not the only one who has taken losses in this war. We are all victims!"