Camius, Alexander And Trade Guilds

'You call him your partner, yet, you are planning to swindle him of everything, haha'

When Alexander heard Camius describe the vineyards and how they should try to spare those after taking the city over, he could not help but roll his eyes inside his head and chuckle.

Alexander wondered how that merchant and his son would feel if they knew the man they had led into their house and showed him all the hospitality was the very man who was planning to rob them of everything.

But this statement also reassured him that Camius knew where his loyalty and priorities were here, here in Zanzan and with Alexander, and did not let the prospect of business and the allure of gold blind him.

Of course, even if Thesalie was captured, it did not mean that Camius's partner had to die or have everything taken away.

Alexander would be happy to let them keep most of everything if they submitted to him.