Port And Lighthouse

"We have never done something like this before. Building out into the sea is already challenging. Never mind how far we are going into the sea this time. So I want to take my time and make sure everything is made with care and precision," Diaogosis said to Alexander regarding the port construction, referring especially to building the pillars

And Alexander agreed, saying that he could take his time and even gave him an extra year in addition to the already extended time frame to complete the project.

And this naturally got Diaogosis much elated.

But that elation only lasted for an ephemeral moment, for it was followed by a plummeting sense of disappointment, because of what Alexander said next.

"By the way, I also noticed we haven't got a lighthouse. It would be quite a shame to have such a beautiful port without an accompanying lighthouse don't you think?"

Alexander said so with a gentle smile.

A smile that looked about demonic to Diaogosis.