The Margrave Family's Circumstances (Part-1)

Lord Janus was understandably very angry at the way they were being treated by their home country.

And Lady Miranda seemed to be in simpatico with that.

"Uncle Janus is right. We won this money through our sweat and blood! Our men bled to get it." "And to think the Kaiser Family gets nothing but a slap on the wrist for almost driving us to destruction!"

"Aghhh…" Lady Miranda's emotions got the better of her as she grunted, producing a very unlady-like sound.

But it seemed in this instance she did not care, as after this, she continued her vent unabetted, 

"Even the original accusation of us supplying weapons to Iyizarid was all fake!"

"But when we asked the federation council to look into it and hold the Kaiser Family accountable for maliciously starting a war, they brushed it all under the rug like it was nothing."

"Saying things like since we won and the Kaiser Family paid us so much money, they had already been punished"