A Year into the Passing (Part-1)

Alexander named his son Philip, which got a strange look from Cambyses when she heard it the first time.

This was because being the head of the city guards, as well as getting to sit during some of Camius's reports, she got to know the crown prince of Tibias, who was effectively ruling over the country currently, was also called a very similar Philips, and wondered if there was a connection.

Now, Philips or Philip was not an uncommon name, nor was it uncommon to have two powerful people have the same name.

Just look at history, it's full of repeating names.

Trying to count how many Edwards, Henrys, and Georges the English had will easily make one's head spin.

But even then the name did sound a bit strange to Cambyses, though she did not fight it, as the power to name a child belonged solely to the father.

As for Alexander, the reason he chose the name had nothing to do with Tibias, but with his own name.