Entering Thesalie (Part-1)

Chapter 767

Alexander's tryst with the lady lasted deep into the night, by the end of which the poor lady seemed to have lost all sensation other than pure pleasure, her mind constantly flashing lights as she came and came. 

It was a never before experience and by the end of it, Lady Felicia struggled to even comprehend what was happening to her except that it felt really good.

While Alexander, after months of abstention, did not show any gentleness towards the fairer sex, using her to fully relieve himself, and marking her entire body with red hand prints and flushed skin.

If her husband were to see her body in the next few days, he would at a glance be able to tell what had occurred.

And it was only hours later that the poor lady was allowed to rest, her eyelids by that point drooping like an elephant was standing on them.

She probably fell asleep even before her body hit the bed.