Lady Inayah Comes With Gifts (Part-1)

Alexander's meeting with the nobles was mired with delay after delay.

This was due to a whole host of things- confusion among the noblemen's family members regarding how to respond to Alexander, the gathering of enough funds, the arrival of the busy fall season, getting their summons to the city late, and in general, the chaos caused by Alexander's invasion.

So although Alexander had set the deadline for their meeting arrival to be before September, most were unable to honor that.

And Alexander found being unable to do anything about it either.

He was after all not going to kill all those nobles just because they were late, especially when it was due to good reason.

So he could do little more than patiently wait.

And as he did so, in the meantime Lady Inayah and Pasha Farzah's son Kayvan docked at Zanzan, only to find much to their bemusement that Alexander and his entire family were absent.