The Two Types of Slaves

The two sisters were quite well trained in their skills, which was not surprising given they were initially bought by Lady Inayah, and this made things so much easier for Alexander when it came to various plays.

And he did try many things which he felt a bit shy to do with the other four.

Things which were too risque such as exposure play, or plays that were a bit dangerous like various bondages.

But the girls adapted themselves to the new situation remarkably well, and under Alexander's constant 'nourishment', they began to glow with a certain aura, their curves starting to spill out even more than before. 

They were already very buxom even before, but now they reached a whole different level, oozing sexiness out of every pore.

But unfortunately for them, this constant attention from Alexander and their blossoming beauty drew the ire of all four of his wives, who felt angry that their husband was not sharing as much time as time with them.