Surprise in Perseus's Camp

In their summarized version, the scouts had omitted much detail about the fog and the initial shadows they encountered, deeming them secondary.

Instead, they had focused on the enemy numbers, where they were, and the threat they posed to the 1,100 men.

And this was indeed the right choice, as Menes obviously did not grill these two over Antonid's, in his mind 'foolish' decision, but immediately set out to organize a rescue force.

The men fighting up there were of very high quality, for in a very similar thought process to Perseus, Menes too had sent expert men to survey the enemy.

After all, what would be the point of sending some raised levies on this specialized mission?

Thus Antonid was chosen for the mission.

He was one of old man Menicus's most trusted officers during his time having led many scouting units prior.

And the people under him were mostly from the various original mercenary groups Alexander had started his army with.