Thesalie After Six Months (Part-2)

In keeping with her desire, Alexander had granted Lady Felicia the chance to showcase her ability in administering Thesalie by letting her oversee many of its day to day operations for the last six months.

And he had asked to meet her basically to do an evaluation report of her.

"Is there any problem with the temples?" Hearing Lady Felicia's evasive reply, Alexander asked for clarification, leaning a bit forward.

"It's… nothing." And Lady Felicia again gave the same reply, shaking her head to emphasize the point.

"If it's nothing, then don't mention it." 

And seeing this Alexander seemingly did not push the lady as he waved his hand, but then added with narrowed eyes, "However if it is something and it turns out you cannot handle it…it will be your neck."

"So do not hide anything from me and regret it later Felicia!" 

Alexander sounded very domineering.