Alexander's Suspicions (Part-4)

Lady Felicia did not flinch a toe at Alexander's subtle threat and refused to budge one bit.

Instead, not willing to be solely on the defensive, she turned on her heels to face Alexander, as Lady Felicia aggressively counterattacked, cleverly pointing out, 

"But if my lord really were to ask my husband this, how would you explain the way you came to know about my dress the first time?"

"Is my lord willing to expose yourself just for the sake of a few small doubts you have regarding me?"

"Will that wise given your status? Given our relationship?" 

Gone was the mirthful, light smile on Lady Felicia's face, replaced by a cold, regal countenance, as she looked at Alexander like a fearless lioness circling his prey, threatening him with social death.

And indeed the lioness had bared some sharp fangs.