Lord Theony's Roll of the Dice (Part-1)

"I forbid you to do anything that would jeopardize our rule of the city, Lapitus!" 

Lady Felicia was really afraid that bolstered by his success with Petrino, the man would try and pull a similar stunt with Alexander.

But Alexander was no Petrino and seeing Lapitus go quiet, Lady Felicia urged him so, hissing, "Say it! Say you won't do anything. " 

Ultimately, it took Lady Felicia a while to make Lapitus abandon any notions of even petty revenge against Alexander.

With Lady Felicia's issue decided, Alexander then at last turned his attention to much greater matters, such as leaving for the enemy's capital that was supposedly set to fall imminently.

So taking most of the men and many of the nobles with him, he rode along the River Diannu towards his destination, at last leaving Lady Felicia and Lapitus in charge of Thesalie with a small garrison. 

While his wives, children, and Fabiyana was made to at last return to Zanzan.